
“Upbeat Percussion Band” of Changhua Prison In 2009, the Ministry of Culture (Formerly: the Council for Cultural Affairs) announced a new project, which was aimed to increase the interaction of the art performance groups and the local performance venues. U-Theatre was one of the chosen groups in this project and came to the Yuanlin Performance Hall in Changhua County. By chances, we got to know and meet the warden of Changhua Prison, who was quite interested in U-Theatre’s practices and training, and hoped to bring it to the prison. Since then, we started to cooperate with Changhua Prison.

Our senior teachers rigorously led the inmates to follow U-training – meditation, martial arts, and drumming, which all for developing their concentration, inner calmness, and inspiring energy
It was a hard time in the beginning, but we believed it would affect them in a good way.    
Later on, we further helped Changhua Prison to compose a group called “Upbeat Percussion Band”, which consisted of sixteen inmates.

  • On Nov 2009, Upbeat Percussion Band had their first performance in the Yuanlin Performance Hall, and it completely impressed the audience.
  • Undoubtedly, U-Theatre’s cooperation with Changhua Prison truly gave a great and positive influence on the educational field and even society.