
優人禪鼓體驗營,是優人神鼓集三十多年來的表演藝術訓練精華,規劃的身心體驗課程,包括「打坐」、「打拳」、「打鼓」之三打訓練,並進一步體驗優人神鼓的靜心訓練系統。給心靈更開濶的天地,體驗「動中有靜,靜中有動」既震撼又溫柔空靈的當下,透過優人的訓練,與自己的身心對話,在擁擠紛亂的世界中維持內心的寧靜,放下形式、包袱,重新看見自己。在自己的寧靜中創造新動力 。

The Teenager Drummers Program While U-Theatre was working with Changhua Prison in 2009, Ms. Liu found that most of the inmates came from a relatively underprivileged family. Their parent(s) might be negligent of taking care of them, and it quite possibly caused some behavior problems in adolescence. Accordingly, we then initiated “The Teenager Drummers Program” in 2011. We focused on teenagers from the underprivileged family and brought them to follow “U-Training” and “Feet in the Clouds”. In 2011, we cooperatedwith the social welfare institution and the High School in Changhua, Yunlin, and Nantou county. In 2014, we reached to the 7 remote and rural schools in Hsinchu and completed 38 days trekking and 21 performances. In this program, we received numerous thankfulness from these children’s family. They said that they did saw some good changes on their children. In 2017, under the invitation of Chiayi County Government, we came to four junior high schools in Chaiyi and the same brought our practices and training. It has continued for half a year since it started. The trekking journey will begin on Feb 2018.           
Later on, we further helped Changhua Prison to compose a group called “Upbeat Percussion Band”, which consisted of sixteen inmates.

  • On Nov 2009, Upbeat Percussion Band had their first performance in the Yuanlin Performance Hall, and it completely impressed the audience.
  • Undoubtedly, U-Theatre’s cooperation with Changhua Prison truly gave a great and positive influence on the educational field and even society.